MHA Chapter 320 Spoilers: Plot Summary, Panels, and More!

mha chapter 320 art

Last Updated on: 31st August 2022, 06:45 am

Well, as of typing this, the very first MHA Chapter 320 leaks are surfacing online, and so it follows that I shall deliver the news to the masses. As soon as the full spoilers and some of the panels are out, this’ll be dropping. Here’s everything to know about the new chapter: Deku vs Class A, featuring a full color cover with Froppy!

MHA Chapter 320 Full Color
Credit: Shounen Jump

At the beginning of the fight, Deku immediately tries to use Smokescreen after taunts from Bakugo about how far he’s fallen. Class A had learned of the Quirks Deku inherited, and thus came up with a counterattack to neutralize some of Deku’s capabilities. Bakugo debuts a new attack, Shockwave Landmine, to dissipate the surrounding smoke. And what follows is some of the most thematically appropriate content My Hero Academia could hope to add in this fight.

READ MORE: Deku: The New Look Isn’t Cool; It’s Sad

Much in the same way that Deku has tried to both strengthen himself and his classmates through his intense analysis and quick thinking, this fight is all about the members of Class A using what Deku taught them against himself. Kouda confidently speaks about how Deku is welcome to return to UA, Sero manages to subdue Black Whip with his own Tape Quirk due to the training the two shared, and Jirou attacks with a new technique developed through Deku’s insight.

Ojiro then takes the offensive, aiming to catch Deku with one of his tail techniques and reminiscing to their past with Shinsou. As he’s done, Deku repeats his fears of All for One hurting them, breaking out of Ojiro’s grip with a “villainous expression.” Satou catches Jirou and Ojiro, talking to Deku about how they take care of Eri while Tokoyami pins Deku using Dark Shadow.

Deku Villanous Expression
Credit: Kohei Horikoshi

Continuing the Class A assault, Momo attempts to make a machine which will put Deku to sleep, but he breaks out of it after explaining anyone could take his place in helping Eri. Kaminari shoulder hugs Deku, talking about their respect and friendship despite a lack of similar interests or hobbies. Shoji, Momo, and Tokoyami combine the power of their Quirks to contain Deku in a ball of darkness created by Dark Shadow, attributing the defensive utility to the cavalry battle back in the Sports Festival.

READ MORE: MHA Chapter 319 Spoilers: Plot Details and Panels

Deku breaks out of his confinement, destroying an entire building in the process as his mask falls to the ground. He can be seen crying, pleading them to let him do his work on his own as he understands their worries so much so that his Danger Sense Quirk hasn’t activated even once. Todoroki falters seeing Deku’s expression, asking if he can even cry like a normal teenager anymore, encouraging him to share the burden with his friends. Tsuyu adds to this, voicing that she’s tired of feeling helpless on her own and that her friends should be able to express their burdens and fears.

Deku Crying
Credit: Kohei Horikoshi

And that ends MHA Chapter 320! Personally, I’m a sucker for this kind of fight against your friends trope, and highlighting just how the students have affected each other over the year only makes it better. I also am quite glad it wasn’t all done in one chapter, and I can’t wait to see what Ochako, Bakugo, and Iida say to snap Deku out of his self sacrificial trance!