Category : More
Valheim Roadmap For 2021 Revealed
Valheim has taken the gaming world by storm over the last couple of weeks. Already amassing over 1 million sales on Steam and peaking at...
The Silent Hill Rumor Mill Churns Again
by Kabir Singh
It has been 6 years since we last saw anything related to Konami’s horror baby Silent Hill. However, according to the silent hill rumour mill,...
Marvel’s Avengers PS5 Release Date Revealed?
by Kyle Wilson
Square Enix’s Avengers title might have just had its PS5 release date revealed a little early thanks to a combination of factors. Marvel’s Avengers is...
Little Nightmares 2: Is It On Google Stadia?
Little Nightmares is somewhat of an unexpected gem. A game that could easily be overlooked and dismissed, has instead found its way into the hearts...
How Long Is Little Nightmares 2
Little Nightmares 2, the sequel the 2017 cult-classic, launched earlier this week, which sees the player take control of Mono this time, as they explore...
Valheim: What Is It?
If you have been online during the last week you may have heard about a new game called Valheim. We did as well and we...
Spellbreak 2.1 Patch Notes Have Been Released
Spellbreak is midway through its first Chapter, which has already seen the game launch across all console platforms and PC. The magic based Battle Royale...
Spellbreak Chapter Pass – Everything Included
Spellbreak, the new battle royale game by Proletariat, putting their own twist on the genre with a magic dominant pool of weapons, equipment and abilities....
Overwatch 2021 Lunar New Year Event Gives Us The Best Skin Yet
by Kyle Wilson
It’s that time of the year again! The Overwatch Lunar New Year Event has started and it is giving us the best skin yet! This...