Guides PokemonPokemon Go Raid hours: How to get Therian TornadusAdam B26th March 202126th March 2021 by Adam B26th March 202126th March 2021Pokemon Go is adding Therian Tornadus quite soon, and due to this, we can even expect him to be present for upcoming raid hours. If...Read more
Deals PokemonPokemon Go Codes For April 2021The Click Team25th March 202125th March 2021 by The Click Team25th March 202125th March 2021If you’re looking for the next batch of Pokemon Go codes, we’ve got April 2021’s selection of free codes that should help give you a...Read more
News PokemonPokemon Go: Rayquaza Raid Weekend, Weather Week 2021Adam B25th March 202124th March 2021 by Adam B25th March 202124th March 2021Rayquaza is expected to be part of a special raid weekend in Pokemon Go in just a few days as part of the first-ever Weather...Read more
Guides PokemonPokemon Go: How to earn Stardust in 2021Adam B24th March 202130th March 2021 by Adam B24th March 202130th March 2021Pokemon Go has two major currencies, and one of them is Stardust. It’s very important to players, but how do you get more stardust in...Read more
Guides PokemonPokemon Go: How to find Shiny Pokemon, Shiny OddsAdam B23rd March 202121st March 2021 by Adam B23rd March 202121st March 2021Shiny Pokemon are rare alternative appearance variants of regular Pokemon species, but what are the odds of finding a shiny in Pokemon Go? In this...Read more
Guides PokemonPokemon Go: How to earn Coins in 2021Adam B22nd March 202120th March 2021 by Adam B22nd March 202120th March 2021Pokemon Go has two major currencies, one of them being Pokecoins. These are hugely important to players, but how do you earn coins in Pokemon...Read more
More PokemonThe 7 best starter Pokemon among all generationsKabir Singh22nd March 202122nd March 2021 by Kabir Singh22nd March 202122nd March 2021The age old debate of which starter Pokemon is the best is as intriguing as it is polarizing for fans of the series, and we’re...Read more
Features PokemonWhat are the best Pokemon spin offs?Chris Ranta21st March 202121st March 2021 by Chris Ranta21st March 202121st March 2021Pokemon is one of the biggest franchises in the entire world, so of course The Pokemon Company couldn’t remain satisfied with merely ONE video game...Read more
News PokemonPokemon Go Festival of Colors 2021, plus free Avatar itemsAdam B21st March 202118th March 2021 by Adam B21st March 202118th March 2021Pokemon Go is holding a one-day event for the Festival of Colors in India, with quite a few things thrown in as bonuses. If you’re...Read more
Lists PokemonPokemon based on real-life creaturesChrissy Roffe20th March 202110th April 2021 by Chrissy Roffe20th March 202110th April 2021While there are many Pokemon that are unique and entirely original, there are also quite a few that are directly based on real-life creatures or...Read more