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Apex Legends: All The War Games Events so far

For the next week and a half, Respawn Entertainment is changing things up in Apex Legends through the War Games events.

The event will have 5 separate limited-time modes throughout its duration. Each of these LTMs will put a different spin on the regular Trios and Duos games. 

The War Games In Apex Legends

As seen on the official announcement, the War Games will have 5 different “Takeovers” which will change a few of the rules of the battle royale. So far, the confirmed game modes for the War Games are as follows: 

  • Second Chance 
  • Ultra Zones 
  • Auto Banners 
  • Killing Time 
  • Armor Regen 
Apex Legends War Games
Source: EA

Each mode adds a new mechanic to the regular Apex Legends gameplay. The overall design of these limited-time modes pushes the game to have a faster pace and minimize downtime in between fights.

Once you’re in, players who like to keep fighting will benefit from these modes. 

Event Effects 

Similar to how Mad Maggie added Ring Flares in the first split of Trios and Duos for Season 8, she returns again with these five limited-time modes.

Second Chance provides every player with respawn tokens that grant another chance to fight upon death. Players on their first death can skydive back with all their loot and even go for payback against the squad that offed them. 

Meanwhile, the Ultra Zones adds more Hot Zones where the best loot can be found and fought for.

The Hot Zone areas are also Flash Points where health and armors can regenerate inside it. Even with the massive high loot and healing areas, healing items are still fully available in this mode. 

The Auto Banners takeover immediately recovers ally banners upon dying which allows remaining teammates to instantly seek a respawn beacon for a revive. 

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The fourth takeover, Killing Time, rapidly escalates ring closure as every death removes time off the clock.

If many players die and squads get wiped early, expect the ring to be smaller before even reaching the 20-minute mark. 

Lastly, the Armor Regen takeover equips all players with Level 1 Evo Shield on round start.

If shields get damaged or fully broken, shields regenerate at a rapid pace after a short while of not getting hit.

While this event feels rad, Shield Cells cannot be found on the map with this takeover on. 

In The Future 

Previously, Respawn Entertainment introduced the Evo Shields in an event like this prior to becoming the standard-issue armors in this battle royale.

The developers are also asking the fans how much they’ll like the events. Potentially, some of these game modes could be a standard feature when Season 9 finally drops in if the fans like it so far. 

UPDATE: Bugs In The Event

According to an official post from Respawn on Twitter, the developers met some problems in pushing out the War Games events.

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Due to the bugs and issues, the Armor Regen takeover is going in first and the whole takeover schedule is scrapped. Respawn Entertainment will announce the new schedule for these events soon.

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