Fuse isn’t the only thing coming to Apex Legends through season 8, there’s a few map updates too! Below, we’re going to rundown everything that’s changed in Kings Canyon since we last saw it.
Apex Legends’ Season 8 Launch Trailer gave us our first look at Fuse, the newest Champion, and the impact he’s going to make on Kings Canyon. Through no fault of his own, Fuse is bringing mayhem to Kings Canyon.
Earlier today, Eduado Agostini, World Director on Apex Legends, gave us a detailed look at everything we can expect to see dropping back into Kings Canyon this season.
Apex Legends Season 8 Map Updates
Below, we’re going to talk about the three main changes that are coming to Kings Canyon: The Crash Site, Spotted Lakes, and the Uncovered Bones.
Crash Site
“ Fuse’s debut ended with an act of sabotage that has blown up parts of King’s Canyon and brought down a massive gunship.”
The sheer scale of the crashed ship has taken a lot of the mountainside with it; this has opened up a brand-new previously unplayable area in Kings Canyon for players to explore. The smoke from the wreckage can be seen clearly across the map and there are a number of ECHO ( Ecological Cleanup and Hazard Outreach ) structures surrounding it.
“ Artillery got caught up in the destruction and now has an exciting back door entrance that takes you up and into this new, northern region.”
Despite Kings Canyon feeling smaller with the destruction of Skull Town, this new area adds back a sizable chunk of playable space that the map was missing. The developers have hoped that the numerous additional pathways that have been opened up by the Crash Site will allow for easier rotation around that area of the map.
Spotted Lakes
The Crash Site hasn’t just affected the northern areas of Kings Canyon, though. Slum Lakes is gone and has been replaced by Spotted Lakes. The key difference here is the ECHO Camps that have been set up in the swampy, contaminated waters.
“ The tent structures of ECHO create some intense, close quarter combat opportunities with fast vertical ziplines that take you to the tops of the tents for quick re-positioning.”
The Dam divides two ECHO camps and acts as the key Point of Interest in this area. An entry point to this area has also been added from the Pit. This again has been done in the hopes of improving rotation into and out of this area.
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Uncovered Bones
Slum Lakes was notably ostracized from the rest of Kings Canyon. Thankfully, Respawn has taken this into account and have looked at making it easier to travel between here to other locations such as Runoff and Airbase.
“ When part of the mountainside was brought down during Maggie’s act of sabotage, a new pathway was revealed and ancient Leviathan bones were uncovered.”
With rotation a key factor in a lot of the map changes that are coming to Apex Legends Season 8, this should offer another route around the map for players to explore.
Other Changes
In addition to those three major changes, Respawn have updated a number of other areas of Kings Canyon.
Three ECHO Outposts have been set up near The Crossings and offer a fantastic viewpoint over the river when used right.
There are also four ECHO Observation Towers located in each of Kings Canyon’s major ECHO Camps. These can be raised manually by players and offer a high-risk high-reward scenario. It’s perfect for those who are good with Sniper Rifles, but they take time to raise up and it isn’t subtle.
A number of Explosive Holds have been scattered through Kings Canyon, after Fuse’s crash. These can be blown open and contain valuable loot. They can also be accessed with security clearance, which is worth remembering.
On top of all this, Farm has been near-demolished and a lot of the bunkers have been caved in. The Explosive Holds should come with enough loot to compensate for this and Respawn hope to bring new combat scenarios to Kings Canyon through their changes.
READ MORE: Apex Legends Season 8: New Weapons, New Champion, New Battle Pass, New Map & More
For the full rundown, you can check out Agostini’s blog post on Apex Legends Season 8 Map Updates here.
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