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Black Ops Cold War: Best XM4 Attachments Loadout Set-Up

Struggling to find a weapon that works? Here’s the best XM4 attachments loadout set-up for you to check out in Black Ops Cold War. All bases covered. Let’s jump into it!

In Black Ops Cold War, the weapon you pick is almost as important as how good you are. With Skill-Based Matchmaking making each game a challenge, it’s important to have a weapon that suits your playstyle; a primary that you know you can clutch with!

But, what if you’re having trouble picking what to stick on it? Or, maybe you’re branching out and trying a new weapon altogether? This should help.

Below, we’re talking all about the XM4, Assault Rifle Alpha, in Black Ops Cold War. It’s a reliable AR that is arguably one of the better all-rounder choices. The XM4 balances a middling mobility with a solid damage output for its Fire Rate.

READ MORE: Cold War Zombies: Firebase Z Wonder Weapon Revealed

We’ve collated the best XM4 attachments loadout set-up with the following in mind: maximising damage, maximising speed, maximising accuracy, utilising the Gunfighter Wild Card, and our personal picks. In and amongst it all, you’re bound to find the set-up that suits you!

Best XM4 Attachments Loadout Set-Up

The XM4 is the first Assault Rifle you unlock in Black Ops Cold War. Here’s the in-game weapon description to give you a taste of what it’s like…

“ Full-auto assault rifle. Reliable damage with improved fire rate. Fair weapon control when sustaining fire.”

Maximum Firepower

As a statistic, Firepower takes several things into account. Damage, Fire Rate, Effective Damage Range, and Bullet Velocity primarily. With this in mind, this is how to get Maximum Firepower with the XM4.

  • Optic: Hawksmoor

    1.37x Magnification reflex sight;

  • Muzzle: SOCOM Eliminator

    Muzzle Flash Concealment +85%
    Vertical Recoil Control +17%

    Shooting Move Speed -10%
    Horizontal Recoil Control -10%

  • Barrel: 13.5” Task Force

    Damage +7%
    Effective Damage Range +50%
    Bullet Velocity +50%

    Max Starting Ammo -33%
    Vertical Recoil Control -20%
    Horizontal Recoil Control -15%

  • Body: N/A

  • Underbarrel: Bruiser Grip

    Movement Speed +3%
    Sprinting Move Speed +3%
    Shooting Move Speed +3%
    Aim Walking Movement Speed +3%

  • Magazine: Salvo 50 Rnd Fast Mag

    Magazine Ammo Capacity +67%
    Reload Quickness +35%
    Max Starting Ammo +67%
    Ammo Capacity +67%

    Aim Down Sight Time -25%

  • Handle: N/A

  • Stock: N/A
Cold War XM4 Attachments Loadout
Maximum Firepower Build

Looking at the XM4, there are only really two attachments which make a difference to the Firepower statistic. The Salvo 50 Rnd Fast Mag has been chosen to counter-balance the reduced ammo that comes with the 13.5” Task Force and the Bruiser Grip adds a quicker Melee Attack to help you out of tight spots.

Maximum Speed

As a statistic, Speed is pretty straight-forward. It takes into account your Aim Down Sight Time, Sprint to Fire Time, and Shooting Move Speed amongst others. Here’s how to maximise Speed with the XM4.

  • Optic: N/A

  • Muzzle: N/A

  • Barrel: 11.8” Ranger

    Bullet Velocity +30%

  • Body: Steady Aim Laser

    Hip Fire Accuracy +20%

  • Underbarrel: Infiltrator Grip

    Movement Speed +5%
    Shooting Move Speed +5%
    Aim Walking Movement Speed +5%

  • Magazine: N/A

  • Handle: Serpent Wrap

    Aim Down Sight Time +25%

    Sprint to Fire Time -10%
  • Stock: Raider Pad

    Sprint to Fire Time +30%
    Aim Walking Movement Speed +40%

    Hip fire Accuracy -30%
Cold War XM4 Attachments Loadout
Maximum Speed Build

Despite their bonuses, a lot of later attachments negatively impact Speed. With this in mind, we’ve gone with the Steady Aim Laser to counter-balance the Hip Fire Accuracy negatives and the Raider Pad to keep the Sprint to Fire Time high.

Maximum Accuracy

As a statistic, Accuracy is all about Recoil Control and Hip Fire Accuracy. You have to actually hit your target, right? Here’s how to achieve maximum Accuracy with the XM4.

  • Optic: Visiontech 2x

    2.0x magnification scope;

  • Muzzle: Infantry Compensator

    Vertical Recoil Control +12%

    Horizontal Recoil Control -8%

  • Barrel: N/A

  • Body: SWAT 5mw Laser Sight

    Hip Fire Accuracy +40%

    Aim Down Sight Time -8%

  • Underbarrel: Field Agent Grip

    Vertical Recoil Control +6%
    Horizontal Recoil Control +20%

    Shooting Move Speed -26%

  • Magazine: N/A

  • Handle: SASR Jungle Grip

    Aim Down Sight Time +15%
    Flinch Resistance +80%

    Sprint to Fire Time -12%

  • Stock: N/A
Cold War XM4 Attachments Loadout
Maximum Accuracy Build

It isn’t the most powerful XM4 and it’s far from the quickest but with maximum accuracy, this XM4 build will offer unrivalled control from the Assault Rifle. The Visiontech 2x Optic aims to capitalise on this with a mid-range magnification which should still leave some wiggle room for closer-quarters combat.

Gunfighter Wild Card

The Gunfighter Wild Card is a class option which unlocks three additional attachment slots for your primary weapon. This means, you can have a fully loaded XM4! Below, we’ve explored the best fully-equipped XM4 loadout attachment set-up for you.

  • Optic: Hawksmoor

    1.37x magnification reflex sight;

  • Muzzle: Infantry Compensator

    Vertical Recoil Control +12%

    Horizontal Recoil Control -8%

  • Barrel: 13.7” Takedown

    Effective Damage Range +150%

    Sprinting Move Speed -5%

  • Body: Mounted Flashlight

    Reveal Distance +20%

  • Underbarrel: Foregrip

    Horizontal Recoil Control +15%

  • Magazine: 40 Rnd Speed Mag

    Magazine Ammo Capacity +33%
    Reload Quickness +25%
    Max Starting Ammo +33%
    Ammo Capacity +33%

    Aim Down Sight Time -20%

  • Handle: Serpent Wrap

    Aim Down Sight Time +25%

    Sprint to Fire Time -10%

  • Stock: Wire Stock

    Sprint to Fire Time +10%
Cold War XM4 Attachments Loadout
Gunfighter Wild Card Build

With this XM4 attachments loadout set-up, we’ve tried to balance everything as much as possible to give the most well-rounded XM4 experience. The Mounted Flashlight helps with target identification at a range, which can be lethal when coupled with the increased Effective Damage Range the 13.7” Takedown Barrel offers. It isn’t the quickest, but the 40 Rnd Speed Mag should make up for that by offering more ammo both in and out of your Magazine.

Personal Picks

When all is said and done, it’s always best to tweak your XM4 attachments loadout set-up until you have a weapon that best suits your playstyle. That being said, we’ve compiled a Personal Pick that we’ve found is one of the best set-ups out there.

  • Optic: Diamondback Reflex

    1.37x magnification reflex sight;

  • Muzzle: Muzzle Brake 5.56

    Vertical Recoil Control +4%

  • Barrel: 13.5” Reinforced Heavy

    Effective Damage Range +100%
    Bullet Velocity +40%

    Sprinting Move Speed -4%
    Aim Walking Movement Speed -20%

  • Body: N/A

  • Underbarrel: Foregrip

    Horizontal Recoil Control +15%

  • Magazine: N/A

  • Handle: N/A

  • Stock: Wire Stock

    Sprint to Fire Time +10%
Cold War XM4 Attachments Loadout
Personal Picks Build

With this XM4 attachments loadout set-up, we’ve aimed to offer a mid-range option for the XM4 that’s adaptable enough for Crossroads Strike, Nuketown, or wherever else the Cold War sends you. The Wire Stock adds that little bit of mobility to a weapon that’s largely suited to a slower pace of play. The 13.5” Reinforced Heavy, when combined with the Foregrip and the Muzzle Brake 5.56 make this a force to be reckoned with.

Was this XM4 Attachments Loadout selection helpful? What’s your take on our Personal Picks? 

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