Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 5 is almost over and Season 6 is right around the corner, but first we need to take part in the Season 5 event.
Titled “Zero Crisis Finale”, the event will see Agent Jonesy try and save the Fortnite island from the unstable Zero point.
Speculation has been mounting, on what feels like an hourly basis. But finally, we now have some idea of what is set to take place at the end of the current Season.
Fortnites Twitter page has released the following Tweet,
‘If they won’t give us what we want. Then we’ll take it ourselves’.
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Event Time Revealed
Epic Games has revealed the date and time for the Fortnite Season 5 event.
The event will take place at 4am EST/8am GMT on the official Fortnite YouTube channel.
Upon clicking the link, we are taken to an hourly countdown timer, complete with the same image of Jonesy, who is looking like he means business.
Players will then, at what is believed to be 1pm GMT, be able to access the new Season, where players will then play through the culmination of Agent Jones, in the Fortnite ‘Zero Point Crisis Finale’ event.
You can check out the premiere below.
The Seven
According to recent teasers, it looks like The Seven could be making a return to the game, after having not been seen since Season X.
So far we have seen three members of The Seven in-game, The Visitor, The Scientist, and The Paradigm.
Could we see the next member during Season 6?
Who Are The Seven?
In Season 4 of Fortnite Battle Royale, The Visitor arrived in Dusty Divot via the Meteor as the first member of the Seven introduced to the players. He used the Hop Rocks from the crater and several trucks to modify a movie prop rocket into an actual, functioning rocket, and launched it in the The Blast-Off Event.
In Season X/10, we were introduced to The Scientist, who arrived possibly via the Frozen Meteor. He escaped as soon as The Zero Point paused time, possibly to build the Rift Beacons to bring the rest of The Seven to Chapter 1’s dimension/reality.
According to the Visitor Tapes, The Scientist successfully paused time when he arrived outside of the loop at the exact time of The Zero Point first explosion. After creating the Rift Beacons, The Scientist created the Visitor Tapes as a precaution to help his future Looped version remember The Seven’s plan if he lost his memories like the island’s inhabitants did.
When the time came, The Scientist launched his rocket, synchronized the junction to bring the rest of the seven to his dimension/reality, brought the meteor above The Zero Point with the help of the other six, and finished their plan by causing the meteor to collide with The Zero Point.
READ MORE: Fortnite Season 5 Event “Zero Point Crisis” Announced
The Seven’s plan was to stabilize The Zero Point before it was lost, which would take The Bridge down with it. However, it seems that they miscalculated something, and accidentally caused The Zero Point to become inevitable.
Ever since The End Event, The Seven have not been seen since, and has only been referenced in the Chapter 2 Season 2 cinematic trailer, the Chapter 2 Season 4 login screen, and the Chapter 2 Season 5 story trailer, where John Jones’ boss attempts to remind him to not draw the attention of The Seven.
Thank you to the Fortnite Wiki for the above information.