Genshin Impact: Does it have daily login Rewards?

Genshin account

Last Updated on: 23rd April 2021, 12:50 am

Genshin Impact is a popular game lately, but does it have some of the standard features other online games have, for example, does it have login rewards?

Well, it does. Kind of. It’s not as straight forward as you may expect, so lets get into the details.

Wait, Genshin Impact has login rewards?

Kind of, yes. There is a reason you might not have seen them though – they’re not actually in the game itself, bizarrely.

No, you find the daily login rewards on a miHoYo website in actuality. Its certainly an unusual choice, but I’m sure many players will be willing to jump through that particular hoop for the free items in Genshin Impact.

The original announcement of the introduction of the login reward system can be found here, for those who are curious about how this came about.

So where are my Login Rewards?

If you want to get straight to the rewards – that is why we’re here after all – you can find the daily login system here.

You should be aware in advance that the rewards aren’t particularly incredible – but they are free for very little effort and will build up over time. Particularly given that they do sometimes include Primogems.

Once you hit up the website and get logged in to claim your reward, it should pop up in your Genshin Impact Mailbox near enough instantly.

Genshin Impact Mailbox with Login Reward
You can expect the rewards in your mail quite quickly, Credit: miHoYo

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You may have noticed from my reward in particular shown above that the login system might be paying out quite nicely in some cases – and that’s because this is the first time bonus for the login rewards system, which I’ll cover below.

The first-time bonus

If you’re not sold on the value of the login rewards on a daily basis, miHoYo also threw in an extra to make sure you try at least one day of the login rewards system – checking in for the first time nets you 100 Primogems and 10000 Mora in your mail right away.

Genshin Impact Login Rewards First Time Bonus
Genshin Impact Login Rewards First Time Bonus, Credit: miHoYo

If you don’t find those rewards good enough to try the system for the first time then give it a skip – this one-off reward is about as generous as this system gets.

Though given we’re talking about 100 Primogems here, I’d say at least do the one login for the easy cash in and then simply not bother again in future if its not for you.

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Anything else to know about the login rewards for Genshin Impact?

Nope, that’s about everything. Simply check into the website as many days as you can let the rewards rack up in your inbox.

Oh and don’t forget to collect them afterwards Traveller!