Genshin Impact: Sukunaa’s complete leak list; real or fake?

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Last Updated on: 10th September 2021, 01:03 pm

As we’ve previously seen, miHoYo is trying to bring leakers down. Many reliable leakers have already stepped down from spreading information about the future updates, and among them was Sukunaa, who provided us with Sukunaa’s presumably last leak list.

What a way to go out with a boom, huh? 

The problem is that a great part of Sukunaa’s leak list are, from his own words, actually fake. It’s up to us to discover which ones are real and which are not. 

For all we know, every single leak here might be just a fake, and Sukunaa might be quietly laughing at us for trying to solve this puzzle while he escapes from miHoYo lawyers. Some of them are clearly impossible, but there are some which we may believe are real. Let’s find out!

Here’s Sukunaa’s complete leak list in his final Twitter post:

genshin leakers retire sukunaa

Most of this article will be based on my own views over those leaks, so it’s very possible that others have different opinions on which is real and which is not. With that said, on to the list!

Let’s start with the leaks regarding the characters. First will be Kamisato Ayato.

Kamisato Ayato

He’s Ayaka’s brother who’s occasionally mentioned during the story. He’s currently the head of the Kamisato House, and he’s almost confirmed to be playable in the future since some characters have voice lines mentioning him. 

But aside from some praising, they don’t actually mention his appearance or his fight style. The only notable mention for Ayato comes from Nobumori, an NPC in the Komore Teahouse. He claims that he lost his vision to Ayato in a fair competition of polearms.

sukunaa leak list ayato
Credit: miHoYo

He also mentions that, like his sister, Ayato is also very experienced in swordsmanship. No mentions about Claymores or the vision’s element. Yes, claymores are just bigger swords, but it doesn’t seem likely that these were the kind of swords mentioned. But who knows, he might actually wield a claymore, but I wouldn’t bet on that.

Saying that “Ayato is designed after Zhongli” is very vague. Personally, I would say Sukunaa was talking about his looks and personality, since all of the lines mentioning him give that aura of a responsible, strong, reliable man, just like Zhongli.

So leaks 1 and 11 may be fake, but 7 is quite possible.

READ MORE: Genshin Impact leakers are starting to retire

Arataki Itto

A claymore suit better the next character, Arataki Itto. A half-Oni who has his vision took during the Vision Hunt Decree, he is described as an aggressive and intimidating tall man, and he might be the first character to use the “buff guy” body type.

Since people have got their visions back after the Archon Quests conclusion 2.1, it means Itto also recovered his and might be on the way to be one of our next playable characters.

Credit: miHoYo

Leaks 2 and 4 describe some of his possible skills. 2 seems like a possible skill for him, but we can’t say anything for certain.

Leak 4 however doesn’t seem to fit Genshin too well. While it would suit his oni theme, it doesn’t seem to be very effective in a real situation. I can definitely see Itto as a bruiser-type character, but with a different passive talent.

In a final verdict, leaks 2 and 4 might be fake. 2 could be possible, but we can’t affirm for sure.

Yae Miko

Yae has two mentions in Sukunaa’s leak list. The first one says that her DPS will be as strong as Ganyu, currently one of the strongest characters. The other one mentions some of her Burst quirks.

Both of these can be easily qualified as fakes. Not only we don’t have any confirmations for when Yae might become playable, but we also cannot be sure she’ll be as strong as the leaks suggest.

So, leaks 3 and 15 are most likely fake.


Scaramouche doesn’t have a vision on his model, just like Signora, and the recent quests explained why. Either way, is very possible that he (and even maybe Signora) might become playable in the future, but I wouldn’t bet on that for now. 

sukunaa leak list scaramouche
Credit: miHoYo

Leak 12 is probably real, but I wouldn’t even call it a leak, and more like a good assumption.

READ MORE: Who is Arataki Itto, a possible future character in Genshin Impact


One of the Generals in the Sangonomiya resistance, he was officially described as “someone who stands his ground in combat and becomes more fierce throughout the battle”. This is actually in line with the leaked Burst description, as he makes everyone around, including himself, stronger.

But that leak also falls in the same category as Yae’s. We don’t know when he’ll actually be playable, and nothing else currently supports that he’ll be coming so soon. He might be a buffer, but we can’t say that for sure.

Leak 14 is most likely a fake.


Mentioned by some characters from Liyue, she had her model leaked back in 2020, alongside the earlier versions of many characters already in-game. 

sukunaa's leak list yunjin
Credit: Dimbreath

The one next to Hu Tao was known as Mimi and was probably the prototype version of the Kokomi we have today. Yunjin comes next, and Yaoyao, one of the possible Dendro characters, is right at her side. We had no news about Shenghe, the one below Yaoyao.

We can see that Yunjin had a Geo vision on her clothes, but this might have changed. Leaker Ubatcha posted this image in response to Sukunaa’s leak list and retirement announcement:

sukunaa leak list cutscene
Credit: Ubatcha

This is an image of the new leaked cutscene for the Moonchase event, which will happen in a few weeks in the live version of Genshin Impact. This is clearly Yunjin, but she seems to wield a Hydro, Cryo or Anemo Vision.

So leak 8 ends up being true.

Fu Hua

This is actually a character from Honkai Impact 3rd. But as we’ve seen with Raiden and Yae, many similar characters exist in both games’ worlds.

The character in question might have already been named by Ubatcha: Yelan

Again, this image comes from the leaked cutscene. We don’t know if we’ll meet any of the new girls during the event, but they might just become playable one day.

Leak 5 was also true.

Now, let’s talk about the leaks not related to specific characters.

The Chasm

The region on the left side of Liyue, currently inaccessible. Speculated to be the next region made available, it makes sense that it might happen after Inazuma’s conclusion. 

When we look at the gap between updates featuring new areas, it might seem possible. The final island of Inazuma will be available on 2.2, and we get a new area two patches later.

The leak also mentions a new Dendro character, which makes us think about the real introduction of Dendro as a playable element. I wouldn’t bet on that, but the introduction of the Chasm is very possible.

So leaks 6 and 13 might be real but take that with a grain of salt or two.

READ MORE: Genshin Impact: Meet the new leaked enemies, the Riftstalkers

Skins for Liyue characters

sukunaa leak list skins
Credit: miHoYo

The community has been asking for more skins since the first ones were released back in 1.6, so it’s natural that Liyue gets the next batch, since it has many popular characters that have been around for more time than Inazuma natives. 

But affirming that all of these characters will get skins so early (around 5 or 6 months previously to the event) is kinda presumptuous. Those characters are definitely strong candidates for skins, but is not likely that there are already leaks indicating that.

Leak 9 is a good assumption, but most probably fake.

Lined up characters

This is one of the most suspicious in Sukunaa’s leak list, since we can’t predict in which order the next characters will be released.

Yae and Yunjin might be the two females, but aside from Thoma and Gorou (confirmed as playable), we don’t know who might else fit in. Ayato and Itto are great contenders, but they don’t have any models in-game yet. 

Scaramouche won’t be coming anytime soon. Varka could be one, but he probably won’t make an appearance until we return to Mondstadt for any reason.

The proportion of male-to-female characters might be close to being real, though. More than half of the current cast is female, so it would be nice to see some male characters being finally released

Leak 10 is suspicious, but it might be partially correct.

TLDR; which leaks were real and which were fake?

We’ve seen that most of the leaks are most likely fake, as expected. Sukunaa probably just wanted to drop this leak list in order to hype up the community, as he has previously done. 

Here’s a resume of this article, alongside the list in order to compare:

sukunaa's leak list complete
Credit: Sukunaa
  • 1 – Fake
  • 2 – Fake
  • 3 – Fake
  • 4 – Fake
  • 5 – Real
  • 6 – Possibly real (in some parts)
  • 7 – Possibly real
  • 8 – Real
  • 9 – Fake
  • 10 – Possibly real (in some parts)
  • 11 – Fake
  • 12 – Real (more like a guess than a leak)
  • 13 – Possibly real
  • 14 – Fake
  • 15 – Fake

Only 3 of the leaks can be considered 100% real. 3 others might have some lines of truth among them, and the other 9 are probably fake. 

This analysis may be proven wrong at any future moment, but while we don’t have any evidence for the leaks, we can’t say that any of them can actually be real. Only time will tell.

READ MORE: Genshin Impact: How to find the Thunder Manifestation

Genshin Impact is finally on its 2.1 version, “Floating World Under the Moonlight”, featuring the conclusion of the Archon Quests in Inazuma, a new Weekly Boss, 2 new World Bosses, new characters and two new areas for exploration.

You can play the game for free on mobile devices including Android, Playstation 4, Playstation 5 and Pc on both miHoYo’s official launcher and Epic Games Store. A Nintendo Switch version is stated to be in development.