The Debug Mode in The Sims 4 will show you all the hidden objects in-game and you might find the perfect item you’re looking for. Below, we’ve got everything you need to know about how to access this cheat.
What actually is Debug Mode though? What does it mean when you show all the hidden objects in The Sims 4?
Well, it actually shows you every item in-game that isn’t available for purchase. This could be a plate with food on that only appears after you cook something with your Sim, or a pair of shoes that only appear when your Sim is dressed for a particular career.
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It’s a great tool to further customise your in-game house with smaller items that can give it a more unique feel.
How To Show Hidden Objects In The Sims 4?
Firstly, you’ll need to access the Cheat Console in The Sims 4. You can do this by hitting CTRL + SHIFT + C in-game.
Then, before you input any cheats you need to type “testingcheats true” and hit enter. This will enable all the other cheats and you need it if you want to enable Debug Mode and show all the hidden objects in The Sims 4.
Next, you’ll need to input the cheat “bb.showhiddenobject”. This should add all the Debug Mode items to your build/buy catalogue. It might be a bit cluttered, but it’s worthwhile.
Please note, nothing will actually happen when you input this cheat. You’ll need to head to the build/buy catalogue in-game and check to see whether you’ve got a new batch of items or not.
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If you want to turn it off, you can re-type the Debug Mode input cheat and add “off” or “false” to the end of it. This should deactivate the cheat and remove all of the objects from your build/buy catalogue.