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OSRS Baby Mole Guide: Get yourself a Mole Pet now!

Old School RuneScape, or OSRS, is as popular as ever and you can get yourself a Baby Mole Pet if you’re feeling a little lonely in Gielinor. Here’s everything you need to know about where you can get yourself a Baby Mole.

Pets in RuneScape don’t do a lot, but they perfectly encapsulate the wonderful humour OSRS brought to so many of our lives and the Baby Mole might be the best pet out there.

Keep Molin’, molin’, molin’, molin’!”

Examining the Baby Mole

How To Get The Baby Mole In OSRS

If you want to get the Baby Mole Pet in OSRS, you’re going to need to kill the Giant Mole in the Falador Mole Lair.

It’s a Members-Only location and has a combat level of 230 so you’ll need to be on your A-Game when you head into its Lair. Although, don’t expect to find one straight away if at all.

The Baby Mole Pet has a drop rate of around 1/3000 making it a very Very Rare Pet.

OSRS Giant Mole Baby Mole Pet
Credit: Fandom

It’s worth noting that you need a light source when you head in, otherwise you simply will not be able to see the Giant Mole. It’s also worth remembering that the Giant Mole can’t be affected by venom.

” The most common method of killing the Giant Mole is with Dharok the Wretched’s equipment and 1 health (often achieved by guzzling a Dwarven rock cake), as well as having the Protect from Melee prayer active to avoid taking any damage. This results in higher hits that decrease the time it takes to kill it significantly. “

OSRS Fandom Wiki

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If you DO get a Baby Mole Pet drop, you’ll see one of the two lines depending on if you have a pet already or not:

  • You have a funny feeling like you’re being followed.
  • You feel something weird sneaking into your backpack

If you have no free inventory space AND a pet, you will not get the Baby Mole Pet!

Insuring Your Pet

Once you get yourself a Baby Mole Pet in OSRS, you might want to insure them.

If you head to East Ardougne, you can insure your pet for a one-time fee of 500,000 coins with Probita. It’s a bit expensive, but if your pet gets lost while it’s insured, you can reclaim it for 1,000,000 coins.

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This, we assure you, is a lot easier than going back to kill the Giant Mole possibly three thousand times.

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