With the announcement of Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Pokemon Shining Pearl, fans are reacting in about every way possible from love to vitriolic hatred. Some are cautiously optimistic while others are brimming with hope. I’m… sort of in the middle due to one thing: Pokemon Platinum. As such, I’m left to wonder if the Pokemon Gen 4 Remakes will be adding Platinum content.
Pokemon Platinum undeniably added a ton to Diamond and Pearl to streamline the game and improve its overall quality through a larger regional dex, UI changes, increased difficulty, graphical updates, and even minor story beats. In general, its just a wholistic upgrade, and you won’t find most anyone defending Diamond and Pearl over Platinum. This however, is sort of my fear.
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In their Pokemon showcase, Gamefreak announced that Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl will be aiming to remain ever faithful to the old games in their looks and feel, which is refreshing on one hand. Sometimes I felt they changed things for the worst in the past, like in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire not adding the Battle Frontier.
If Gamefreak stays too close to DP, we could be losing out on things like 60 additional Pokemon in the regional dex, events, the Distortion World, and the added difficulty Platinum Provided. Cynthia would be left with a Gastrodon as opposed to the more appropriate Togekiss to balance her team. Fire type Elite Four trainer Flint could be back to his legendary team of two (2) [the number two] fire types and three filler mons.
There is hope, however! Twitter user Voltimer noticed a NPC in Floaroma Town that was not present in the original Diamond and Pearl, the one who gives you the key item to change Shaymin into its Sky Forme.
Additionally, in the trailer, the Gen 4 addition of Porygon-Z was spotted. While this could possibly be postgame footage, I find it somewhat unlikely that they’d use minor postgame content in the trailer. Porygon-Z, as well as other older generation evolutions introduced in Gen 4 such as Rhyperior, Magmortar, Electevire, Lickylicky, and others were not in Diamond and Pearl’s Regional Pokedex.
At the very least, this seems to suggest the Platinum Regional Dex is back, and some legendary Pokemon events too. Perhaps we will see Rotom’s formes again, or Darkrai’s island. Do note however, some things are still certainly Diamond and Pearl. The trainers’ designs, the opening scene at the lakefront, and the overworld graphics are those of DP, so its unclear just how much will be Diamond and Pearl and how much will take from Platinum.
Regardless, I’m still thoroughly excited for the Pokemon Gen 4 Remakes. The originals are my favorite Pokemon generation, and with the small hope of some of Platinum’s more quality of life additions, it could bode to being a great remake that blends the best of both worlds. Perhaps even the Distortion World, even. I kid; it wasn’t funny, but still, my point stands.
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Keep an eye out for Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl when they come out in late 2021!