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Pokemon Go – The Season of Legends begins

Here we are, the second season of the year is upon us, and in the world of Pokemon Go, this brings us ‘Season of Legends’.

Beginning Monday, March 1st, 2021 and lasting until Tuesday, June 1st, 2021, this season is a celebration that includes new Legendary Pokemon, and legendary trainers.

What To Expect

The season begins with Incarnate Forme Landorus, Incarnate Forme Tornadus, and Incarnate Forme Thundurus springing (did you see what I did there), into five star raids.

Pokemon Go Legends Promo Key Art
Credit: Niantic

Kicking off the season on Monday, March 1, 2021, at 8.00 am local time, we will see Incarnate Forme Landorous, followed by Incarnate Forme Tornadus from Saturday, March 6, 2021, at 8.00 am local time, and Incarnate Forme Thundurus appearing from Thursday, March 11, 2021, at 8 am, until Tuesday, March 16, 2021, at 10.00 am local time.

Players will then encounter, in five-star raids, Therian Forme Thundurus, from Tuesday, March 16, 2021, at 8.00 am local time, until Tuesday, March 30, 2021, at 10.00 am local time, and Therian Forme Tornadus will be appearing in five-star raids from Tuesday, March 30, 2021, at 10:00 am local time.


Niantic has also announced that we are due to see some new Mega-Evolved Pokemon appearing very soon.

READ MORE: Pokemon Go Kanto Tour Make-Up Event: What To Expect

Mega Blastoise, Mega Pidgeot and Mega Ampharos will be featured from Monday, March 1st 2021, at 8.00 am local time, to Tuesday, March 16th 2021, 10.00 am local time. Followed by Mega Houndoom, Mega Abomasnow, and a surprise Mega-Evolved Pokemon, from Tuesday, March 16th 2021 at 10.00 am local time.

A new research – Team Rocket

Credit : Pokemongohub

They’re back again. The Grunts, Team Rocket themselves Jesse and James, and lets not forget those annoyingly difficult leaders Cliff, Arlo and Sierra are here to give us yet more challenges, working through a series of research tasks, to take us to Giovanni.

Only this time, they have more shadow Pokemon for us to catch. In March 2021, Giovanni will be using Shadow Articuno, April 2021 he will be using Shadow Zapdos, and in May 2021 he brings Shadow Moltres. Safe to say, he likes his birds!

Northern / Southern Hemisphere Pokemon

Credit : Pokemongohub

Wow does Pokemon Go like to keep us on our toes. During this already busy beginning to the season, Pokemon Go has also announced that Pokemon will be appearing more frequently, and exclusively, in the wild, dependant on your location.

Those of us in the Northern Hemisphere will be treated to the likes of Foongus, Tangela, Miltank, Shuppet, Finneon, Ducklett, Karrablast, Ponyta, Lotad, Patrat, and more…

And the Southern Hemisphere will be experiencing more frequent visits from Paras, Yanma, Stantler, Drifloon, Remoraid, Buizel, Shelmet, Vulipx, Seedot, Zigzagoon, and more.

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They have also announced that as this is a new season, the Pokemon in the wild will be changing.

If you are near water, you may be more likely to encounter Mantine and Frillish, which, until now, Frillish has never been released in the wild. You may encounter Voltord or Glameow in the city, and you may discover a Hoppip in a forest.

And there’s more!

This season has many more added bonuses, including increased XP from five star raids, free remote passes throughout the season, new events, Go Battle League Season 7, and community Days.

Wow are they keeping us all busy, again. This season is most definitely going to be Legendary!

READ MORE: Pokemon Go Promo Codes

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