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Fez added to Nintendo eShop during Indie World Showcase

It’s been just over nine years since the release of Fez and now the title has just been added to the Nintendo eShop as a “surprise launch” on Nintendo Switch consoles.

Fez is one of those indie games that sticks with you when you finish it. It’s not just unique in its artistic direction, it’s perspective-shift mechanic is fantastically done and makes for a thrilling puzzle game with a wonderfully relaxed vibe.

The creator sadly “walked away” from the industry in 2013, cancelling a sequel, but this game has stuck with its’ fans since then. Now, just one day after its ninth birthday, Fez is back and we can’t wait to jump in again!

It also looks like Polytron is responsible for the port of its’ own game, which is somewhat unusual in the gaming world! We don’t know anything about a sequel, but this could be the lifeline the series needs.

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Who knows, if Fez does well on the Nintendo eShop… We could see a Fez 2 in the future. Anything’s possible.

Fez Nintendo eShop Price & File Size

The Nintendo Switch version of Fez will cost $USD 14.99, or the equivalent in your local currency, and it should take up around 1.3GB. However, if you get Fez from the Nintendo eShop during the “launch window” you’ll get a 10% discount!

So, if you’re in the UK… This goes down from £12.59 to £11.33 on the Nintendo eShop listing for Fez. Result!

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Official Game Description

” Gomez is a 2D creature living in a 2D world. Or is he? When the existence of a mysterious 3rd dimension is revealed to him, Gomez is sent out on a journey that will take him to the very end of time and space. Use your ability to navigate 3D structures from 4 distinct classic 2D perspectives. Explore a serene and beautiful open-ended world full of secrets, puzzles and hidden treasures. Unearth the mysteries of the past and discover the truth about reality and perception. Change your perspective and look at the world in a different way.”

Featured Image Credit: TotallyRadShow – YouTube

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