We received a review copy of Kinetic Edge for Steam a couple of weeks ago and we decided to try our hand with the game. In a nutshell, we weren’t all that impressed with it. The point of the game is to morph into various geometric shapes as you peruse through various levels as fast as you can (or as fast as the game allows you to.) Here’s our thoughts on Kinetic Edge on Steam!
Overall, the gameplay of Kinetic Edge leaves much to be desired; from the shapeshifting player model morphing into shapes that don’t handle very well at all, to going too fast and skipping checkpoints that will block you from moving forward in the level – the game is lacking any sort of substance whatsoever.
I understand that this game is meant to be played more as a fun and casual time-waster rather than a full-on 100+ hour story campaign, and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that at all, but Kinetic Edge’s gameplay just doesn’t sit well with me – it’s just bland.
The movement in Kinetic Edge leaves much to be desired. You start off each level as a sphere and as you progress through each level you can morph into different shapes by jumping through a ring on the map. Moving as any shape other than a sphere feels just absolutely terrible – I’m not sure if this is intentional, but it does not feel good and is not fun to play.
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Attempting to progress through a level in which you have to roll and jump across multiple platforms as a cube is, as you can probably guess if you took geometry in 3rd grade, not a very easy task. There is way too much friction against the player and the ground making movement almost entirely impossible.
Jumping also feels a bit unnatural and incredibly hard to get right each time you need to boost up a wall or need to cross a platform. The gravity in Kinetic Edge needs to be tweaked quite a bit in order to feel decent, it feels way too heavy as it is right now.
I gotta say, I love the visuals in Kinetic Edge. It’s flashy, it’s bright, it’s colorful, and it’s shiny. It clearly takes advantage of the simplicity of the gameplay in order to make it look as fancy as possibly using Unreal Engine. There’s quite honestly not a whole lot to say about it, if you like shiny and flashy visuals you’ll love this – I think it looks great.
Game Modes
Kinetic Edge includes 4 separate game modes:
- Race
- Golf
- Maze
- Gauntlet
Race is by far my least favorite game mode as stated above, the gameplay in Race just feels awful. However, I am a very big fan of Golf, Maze, and Gauntlet. Golf is exactly what it sounds like – it’s a game of mini-golf. Maze is also exactly what it sounds like – find your way through a maze to complete the level.
Gauntlet, however, doesn’t exactly reveal what this game mode entails. In Gauntlet, you’ll have a set amount of time to complete an obstacle course as fast as you can. While it uses the same gameplay and movement as Race (still not a fan), I can definitely get behind Gauntlet as a game mode.
Well, there is multiplayer in Kinetic Edge…or at least there’s supposed to be multiplayer. Unfortunately, there wasn’t a single server available to test the Kinetic Edge multiplayer on, but I really wasn’t expecting a whole lot; really just about the same wonky gameplay, but maybe in a race or something.
Obviously, there’s not really anything that Seacorp Technologies Limited, the developers of Kinetic Edge, can really do about a lack of players, but hopefully the game’s playerbase will increase available servers.
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There’s my review of Kinetic Edge – I didn’t fall in love with this game, but with the right updates and tweaks to the game, I could definitely see it going somewhere as a fun time-killer, but not really much more than that.
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